Saturday, September 30, 2006

Home - poetically put

We just bought this debut CD from a Christian progressive rock group called Leeland the CD is called Sound of Melodies and I loved this chorus in the song "Too much"

I need a place a santuary
A refuge for my ordinary
Finally familiar peaceful home
Untroubled safe from all this madness
Refuge for my hope and sadness
Possible to find myself alone
At home
I thought about how I want my home to be like that. A place for the ordianry, an "untroubled" place, a place for all of our emotions, dreams and fears. I really resonate with these words, and I hope that they inspire you to really pour your life out for your family & in your home, because it matters so very much. We really can create this place, but we are the only ones who can.


Deeapaulitan said...

Leeland is one of our favorites! We so appreciate the depth and soul of their lyrics. They bring us to tears sometimes.

Deeapaulitan said...

We love Leeland. What we so appreciate about this bunch of teenagers is their depth and passion in their lyrics. They stir us and bring us to tears at times.

I love being a homeMAKER. Not a home resider, or upkeeper or caretaker, but maker. Creation doesn't come to our hands very often in life. God allowed us to experience it with our spouse through conception and birth, but their is something of it in our ability to be the mood setters, the composers of refuge & safety, the establishers of peace... It isn't always easy, but nothing of great values ever comes cheap. :)

As I read through your blog, My heart welled up with pride in what you have set your face like flint toward. Bless you!